Life is nothing more than a summation of moments—each giving rise to a single decision that makes us who we are.
In one small moment, you can decide to hope or worry, be kind or harsh, listen or be heard, be excited or apathetic—hear an answer from heaven or your own selfish thoughts.
Every decision you make carries the power to create moments of unforgettable beauty or nothing but the mundane.
You have the power to convert any moment into an extraordinary, miraculous, life-defining moment!
There is no lack of opportunity in any given life, only the lack of life you invest in any given opportunity.
What are you doing with the opportunities you’ve been given? What can you do to maximize the life they bring you or someone else?
Learn how you can live with greater "strength, purpose, and courage" November 9, 2019 from 6-8 pm at the Armed Services YMCA Auditorium, 900 NW Cache Rd.
